Voice Of Ukraine is an exhibition that aims to draw attention to the environmental crimes committed during wartime, in collaboration with Artists Against War and Art Mirror.
Voice of Ukraine is an exhibition that aims to draw attention to the environmental crimes committed during wartime, in particular those of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.
Well-known Ukrainian artists come together for this project, where 50% of the sales from the exhibited works will go to the artists and the remaining 50% will be donated to the NGO Ecoaction.
The project will take place within the framework of the international Art Mirror festival, which coincides with World Environment Day on June 5th.
Oksana Levchenya
Oksana Levchenya is a Kiev based artist specializing in fine art and hand woven tapestries. Her creations combine unique modern designs, folkloric symbols and traditional crafting techniques that go as far back as the 16th century.
Traditions have been carefully preserved and respected in the manufacturing process. Everything is done by hand, dyeing, weaving, steaming and the intricate design is all done in the workshop.
Levchenya’s tapestries and carpets are made of natural materials. The base of which is hemp thread, the dyed natural wool of Carpathian sheep or vegetable yarn from nettles is also used.
Colourful yarn, ideas and reflections on the juxtaposition of tradition and modernity, are weaved together to seamlessly depict there place in today’s society. Look carefully and nestled next to a folkloric symbol you might find Pikachu staring back at you! Levchenya’s supple creative language is intergenerational.
Ivan Pidhainyi
Project “Heroes’ Overalls” (2021)
The project “Heroes’ Overalls”are sculptural forms of different sizes, ranging from 1.7m to 2m in height, and were made using colorful fabric and acrylic resin for the final mold.
This idea was inspired by the situation of the Ukrainian military deployed to protect the Eastern Ukrainian border against Russian aggression, which has been ongoing for eight years. These overalls will always remind us of their injuries and bravery. Heroes usually have a special, bright overall, because heroes are bright.
This project was created with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.