Art Among Roses and Books: a tribute to Sant Jordi day

We’re thrilled to invite you to a special celebration at our gallery in honour of Sant Jordi Day, a beloved tradition in Catalonia that blends literature, love, and culture in a unique and vibrant way. On April 23rd at 06:30pm, join us as we pay homage to this cherished tradition with an evening of art, creativity, and curiosity.

Highlighting the essence of Sant Jordi, our gallery will feature the captivating works of two remarkable artists, each embodying the spirit of this celebrated day in their own distinct style.

First, immerse yourself in the world of Agnès Rodon. Inspired by the wonders of nature and the nuances of light, colour, and texture, Rodon’s multidisciplinary approach to art brings forth a sense of spiritual harmony that resonates deeply with viewers. Through her large scale paintings of roses, she invites us to explore the realm of sensations and find beauty in the Sant Jordi tradition.

Complementing Rodon’s ethereal creations is the impressive book installation by Jordi Prat Pons. With a lifelong affinity for paper, Prat Pons transforms this humble medium into a tapestry of words, symbols, and imagery. From his early days experimenting with collage to his current exploration of paper as the primary protagonist in his works, Prat Pons invites us to embark on a visual journey that sparks the imagination.

As you immerse yourself in the artistry of Rodon and Prat Pons, we invite you to indulge in the festive spirit of Sant Jordi with a glass of cava, the sparkling wine synonymous with celebration and joy.

Additionally, for our English speaking guests, there will be a brief explanation of the Sant Jordi Day tradition, shedding light on the rich cultural heritage that inspires our gathering.

We look forward to welcoming you with open arms and hearts as we celebrate Sant Jordi in style.