Prizes & Awards


  • 15th Annual ARC Salon Sculpture Category Second Place


  • 14th Annual ARC Salon Competition, Sculpture First Place (USA)
  • The TIAC Art Prize, First Place Sculpture (Italy)
  • Balaguer Gonel Brothers Foundation, Castellón (Spain)
  • Selection on Figurativas Painting & Sculpture Competition (Spain)


  • 13th Annual ARC Salon Sculpture Category Second Place (USA)
  • Arcadia Contemporary Award (USA)
  • The TIAC Art Prize (Italy)


  • First Place, 52º Prize Queen Sofía of Painting and Sculpture (Spain)
  • Selection on Figurativas Painting & Sculpture Competition, piece went to MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art – Barcelona) permanent collection.
  • Selection on 78º International Plastic Arts Exhibition from Valdepeñas (Spain)
  • Sculpture Medal Mariano Benlliure, 84º Autum Salón 2017 AEPE (Spanish Painters and Sculptors Association)


  • Selection 51º Prize Queen Sofía of Painting and Sculpture (Spain)
  • Honour Mention on 10º Sculpture Contest of Badajoz City (Spain)
  • Finalists on XVII “Melilla City” Painting and Sculpture Contest (Spain)
  • Selection on XXIX Jacinto Higueras Sculpture Bienale (Spain)


  • Selection 9º Badajoz City Sculpture Contest (Spain)
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